Kick-off Meeting NRP 73
22.01.2018 - 23.01.2018 / Hotel Sempachersee, Kantonsstrasse 46, 6207 Nottwil LU
The National Research Programme "Sustainable Economy: resource-friendly, future-oriented, innovative" (NRP 73) aims at generating scientific knowledge about a sustainable economy that uses natural resources sparingly, creates welfare and increases the competitiveness of the Swiss economy.
Its specific objectives are to:
- Acquire scientific knowledge to better understand and facilitate a sustainable economy;
- Assess opportunities and risks against the backdrop of a globally connected Swiss economy;
- Identify measures and instruments and understand the resulting dependencies and insecurities;
- Test enterprise application in order to identify future options for action and specify areas for implementation.
Most of the research projects involve a combination of approaches, concepts and methods from different disciplines and foresee collaborations with partners from the private and public sector as well as civil society.
Key team members of the 25 research projects and the Steering Committee of NRP 73 will convene for the first time. The objectives of the Kick-off Meeting are:
- Getting to know one another;
- Inform on expectations and commitments;
- Share information: Presentation of the different research projects;
- Create a common identity and a common understanding of the goals of NRP 73;
- Discuss project’s contributions to key questions and potentially identify synergies, and opportunities;
- Inform about the next steps.
Preparatory works:
- Individual registration of each participating team member (up to 5 participants per project) using the registration form below until 14 December 2017.
- Preparation of a presentation (Pecha Kucha 20x20 or short presentation (max. 6 minutes and 5 slides)). Send it to no later than 15 January 2018. Explanations to the Pecha Kucha are given in the agenda.
- Preparation of a poster of your project (min. DIN A0, portrait orientation) to bring along. The proposed structure is given in the annex of the agenda.